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Thursday, 7 July 2011


Gonodholai: According to the latest addition in oxford dictionary “Its a sort of group activity/ adventure sports for normal people (Aam aadmi) in which their primal instinct gets a boost ”
It can be found everywhere around the world (by different names off course)and also in some species of primates (Chimpanzees, Monkeys & some others representing our ancestors).
Let us first know what is gonodholai & how it is performed…. In India its mainly found in the eastern regions (West Bengal & surroundings) where a particular form of ‘One to Many’ relationship can be seen. Here One is the recipient and Many are the donors. The One gets thrashed by the Many in many different ways .Please note : here each individual of the Many community has his/her particular ways of delivery & no two ways will match each other(its a scientifically proven fact). The One may sometimes try to protest but in the course of time he/she will submit to the flow & cooperate accordingly. His/ her last act in most cases is to have a good day (sometimes night too) sleep lasting from hours up-to eternity. The police & hospital & burning ghats do play an important part in this process (mostly after the whole act is over though sometimes the police becomes a part of Many in places like UP , Bihar ect but in Kolkata they remain mostly as a spectator).
Lets see who are the people in One community: It can be anyone like petty thieves, pick pockets, ’suspected’ terrorists , eve teasers, kidnappers, doctors , teachers ,ration dealers or it can be you & me too in our lucky days….
The Many can be any one like other petty thieves, pick pockets, ’suspected’ terrorists , eve teasers, kidnappers, doctors , teachers ,ration dealers or it can be you & me too in our lucky days. 
Lets get into business & list the advantages of this gonodholai.
1) Its an adventure sports for the bengalis , or rather the only adventure sports if you take out hanging from bus/ local trains.
2) The second most source of entertainment , first being watching zero hour in doordarshan.
3) Its the only way the bengalis can shed their soft image & show the world that they are man too.
4) One of the main source of venting our frustrations & anger. Any normal bong (beaten by wife, thrashed by boss, cheated by grocer & robbed by the local club for puja’r chanda) can feel like superman while involved in a gonodholi.
5) The female population are not only left as cheerleaders & they too actively participate in this sports , their means includes using of sandals. broom, belan or fingernails or tearing off cloths or pulling the hair or excessive screaming in front of the ear resulting in temporary or permanent loss of hearing. So its another way to show that the fairer sex can do what the stronger sex does.
6) It builds a team spirit among the Many as they forget all their important personal issues & work side by side. So it can be used as a medium for promoting national harmony.
7) Not only the Many but the One is also benefited by this act. He gets body massage, sometimes hair cut (with Ghol added as a hair pack) & facial (by shoe polish) & most importantly a medical checkup absolutely free. He can learn unknown facts about his birth & family during this act & also gets some new names too.
This list can continue further but lets end this topic here by asking my dear friends to please participate generously in this act (whenever you get a chance).

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